Neighborhood Enhancement Grant Applications due March 1
A reminder that applications for the City’s Neighborhood Enhancement Grants are due March 1. Neighborhood Associations may request funds for a project they wish to undertake as a community project that will improve the quality of life in their neighborhood. Enhancements may be structural in nature, such as park benches or informational signage, or landscaping projects, such as shrubbery or trees.
Projects are required to be on City of St. Augustine public property and capable of being completed before September 6, 2019. Total funds available for neighborhood enhancements is $15,000 with no single request to exceed $2,500. Funds are available as reimbursements only, and only after providing appropriate documentation, including receipts, of expenditures and verification that the project has been completed by September 6, 2019.
Requests must be submitted on a Neighborhood Enhancement Request Form with, as needed, supporting information by 5:00pm on Friday, March 1, 2019 in the City Manager’s Office (elevator “A,” 4th floor), City Hall
For an application form and more information click here. http://www.citystaug.com/news_detail_T2_R470.php